- Assault
- Bail
- Driving Offences
- Drug Offences
- Firearm Offences
- Fraud
- Major Crimes
- Other Offences
- Property Offences
- Sentencing
- Sexual Offences
- Shoplifting
- Threats / Harassment
Assault Causing Bodily Harm; Sentence
– Client charged with assault causing bodily harm. Crown seeking total sentence of 16 months. Client serving 79 days in-custody prior to sentencing.
Issue: What is the appropriate sentence for client above time already served in custody?
Result: After representations by our office Crown agrees to seek only a further four months in custody at sentencing hearing. At submissions before the court client is sentenced only to time served and receives no further jail time.
Drunk Driving
– Client charged with driving while impaired and driving with more than 0.08 mg of alcohol in blood.
Issue: Would client be found guilty of criminal charges and would client receive 12 month driving suspension.
Result: Crown agrees to reduce charges to driving without due care and attention under the provincial Motor Vehicle Act. Seven month driving suspension. No criminal record.
Drunk driving
– Client witnessed driving recklessly by other drivers. Client stopped by police after driving into and knocking down homeowner’s fence. Client alleged to have 2 times legal limit of alcohol in body.
Issue: Would client be found guilty of drunk driving and receive criminal record?
Result: No criminal record. Crown agrees with defence argument that guilty plea to provincial motor vehicle offence is appropriate.
Driving While Prohibited
– Client accused of driving while prohibited two days after being banned from driving by provincial court judge. Client had extremely bad driving record with numerous driving prohibitions. Crown seeking 14 days jail.
Issue: Would court send Client to jail?
Result: No jail. Judge agrees with defence submissions and imposes only further driving prohibition and fine.
Aggravated assault
– Client, high school student, accused of attacking another student at high school graduation party with knife. Victim seriously wounded. Client allegedly identified by many party goers. Client facing 2-4 years in jail if convicted. Case proceeds to full trial before Supreme Court judge.
Issue: Would court accept identification evidence of other party goers and find Client guilty of aggravated assault.
Result: Judge finds client not guilty, accepting Defence position that witnesses not reliable.
Sexual Assault
– Client arrested by police and accused of sexual assault of ex-girlfriend. Client studying in Canada on international student visa and facing deportation and jail if convicted of sexual offence.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charges?
Result: No charge laid. Client faces no criminal record.
Possession of Cocaine
– Client, employed as an architect, charged with possession of cocaine.
Issue: Would client receive criminal record? Would Crown proceed with charge.
Result: Crown drops charges. No criminal record.
Possession of Cocaine
– Client charged with possession of cocaine. Prior to offence client had been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking in cocaine and awaiting trial. Crown seeking criminal record for Client.
Issue: Would Client receive criminal record.
Result: Conditional discharge granted by Judge. No criminal record.
Sexual Interference; Bail
– Client, charged with sexual interference, detained by Judge after breaching bail conditions. Client retains Rishi Gill to have bail reviewed by Superior Court.
Issue: Would Client be released from custody or remain in jail pending trial?
Result: Client released from custody. Client retains Rishi Gill to represent him on all matters.
Firearms and Property Offences
– Client charged with possession of stolen property and possession of firearm. Client facing a minimum jail sentence of 3 years if found guilty.
Issue: Would client be found guilty and serve no less than 3 years jail time?
Result: Crown decides not to proceed with charges. All offences dropped. No jail and no criminal record.
Assault; Uttering Threats
– Client, a business owner, investigated by police for assault and uttering threats. Police meet with client and Rishi Gill.
Issue: Would Client be charged with criminal offences?
Result: Police meet with Client and Rishi Gill. Police decide not to recommend that client be charged with any crime.
Driving Offences
– Client charged with leading police on a chase through a school area, dangerous driving, and excessive speeding. Client facing criminal record and 18 months jail.
Issue: Would client receive criminal convictions? Would Client go to jail?
Result: Client eventually pleads to non-criminal driving offence only and receives no jail time. Cient avoids any criminal record.
Drug Offence
– Client charged with selling marijuana to an undercover officer as part of sophisticated drug operation. Client initially facing 18 months jail.
Issue: Would Client go to jail?
Result: Client receives house arrest of 6 months and is allowed to continue with employment and avoid jail.
Impaired Driving
– Client arrested and charged with drunk driving offences.
Issue: Would Client receive criminal punishment?
Result: Crown agrees to a non-criminal outcome. Client avoids criminal record.
Possession of Stolen Property
– Client arrested and investigated for possession of stolen property. Client accused by police of being part of sophisticated scheme involving large scale possession of property that was allegedly being later sold via Ebay auction.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with criminal charge?
Result: No charge laid.
Sexual Assault
– Client accused of unwanted sexual touching of waitress at restaurant. Police refer investigation to Crown Counsel for recommended charge of sexual assault.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charges?
Result: No charge laid.
Uttering Threats; Bail
– Client charged with uttering threats to spouse. No contact bail order imposed between client and spouse.
Issue: Would bail be varied so that client and spouse could resume contact? Would Crown proceed with charges?
Result: Crown agrees to vary bail and allow for contact and resumed cohabitation. After further review of file Crown agrees with defence submission to withdraw charges. No criminal record.
Uttering Threats; Breach of Bail
– Client charged with 2 counts of uttering threats. Client also charged with breaching a no-contact bail condition. Case proceeds to trial.
Issue: Would client be found guilty of charges?
Result: After hearing all evidence the judge finds client not guilty of both uttering threat charges. Crown agrees to drop breach of bail charge. No criminal record.
Uttering Threats
– Client charged with uttering threats to girlfriend.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charges?
Result: Crown agrees to enter a stay of proceedings and stop prosecution of matter. No criminal record for client.
– Client arrested for shoplifting and attempted fraud.
Issue: Would client be required to provide fingerprints to police? Would Crown agree to not charge client in exchange for community service?
Result: Client not obligated to provide fingerprints to police. Crown agrees not to pursue any charges on condition that client complete appropriate community service. No criminal record.
Conspiracy to import narcotics.
– Client, commercial truck driver, accused of importing large amount of narcotics into Canada. Crown seeking to have client remain in custody until trial.
Issue: Would client be released from custody?
Result: Client released on bail.
Possession of drugs for purpose of trafficking.
– Client stopped by police during road check and investigated for possession after marijuana and cocaine found in vehicle.
Issue: Would Client face criminal charges?
Result: No charges laid.
– Client, business executive, charged with attempting to defraud bank using forged document.
Issue: Would client be found guilty after trial.
Result: Client acquitted by court. No criminal record.
– Client, international student, arrested and accused of shoplifting from department store.
Issue: Would client be charged with shoplifting and have risk of criminal record?
Result: Crown persuaded to not charge client with any criminal offence.
No Charges – Firearms
– Client, law enforcement officer, accused of possessing prohibited firearm. Client facing minimum jail sentence of case proceeds and Client found guilty.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charges?
Result: Crown agrees not to proceed with charges. No potential for jail or criminal record.
Conspiracy to import cocaine.
– Client sentenced to 8 years and appealing guilty verdict. Client seeking release from custody pending appeal. Crown strongly opposing release of client due to very serious nature of charge and lengthy jail sentence. Crown also taking position that grounds of appeal are not strong.
Issue: Would appeal court judge allow release?
Result: Client released. Court agrees with defence submissions regarding relative strength of appeal.
Fraud; Obstruction of Justice
– Client accused of fraud against ICBC and lying to a peace officer in obtaining commercial driver license.
Issue: Would client be convicted of criminal charges.
Result: After two days of trial Crown agrees to drop charges against client.
Sexual Assault; Sentencing
– Client cab driver charged with three counts of sexual assault against three separate passengers.
Issue: Whether client would be found guilty of charges. What would be appropriate sentence.
Result: Crown agrees to drop one charge of sexual assault completely. Crown also agrees to reduce charges to simple assault. Client receives suspended sentence. No jail.
Bail; Aggravated Assault
– Client charged with aggravated assault of spouse. Crown seeking to have court keep client in custody pending trial.
Issue: Whether client would be granted bail.
Result: Court orders release of client from custody pending trial.
Bail; Uttering Threats
– Client charged with uttering threat to prison guard while service federal sentence in penitentiary. Crown seeking detention of client.
Issue: Whether client would be granted bail. Whether client would be convicted of criminal charges.
Result: After hearing submissions of criminal defence lawyer at bail hearing court agrees to release client on bail. Crown subsequently agrees to drop charges.
Bail; Appeal of Conviction; Trafficking
– Client convicted of trafficking in cocaine and possession for the purpose of trafficking by BC Supreme Court Judge. Client hires our criminal law office to deal with appeal.
Issue: Whether client would be granted bail pending appeal of conviction.
Result: Court order release of client from custody pending outcome of appeal.
Uttering Threats; Dangerous Driving; Possession of Weapon; Breach of Bail
– Client charged with numerous counts of uttering threats to spouse, dangerous driving, possession of weapon, and breach of no contact bail order.
Issue: Whether Crown would proceed to trial or stay charges; what would be appropriate sentence in the circumstance.
Result: Crown persuaded to drop all charges in exchange to plea of breach of bail. After submissions of criminal defence, lawyer Judge agrees to conditional discharge. No criminal record.
Possession for the purpose of trafficking
– Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.
Issue: Whether Crown would proceed to trial or stay charges.
Result: Crown persuaded to drop charge. Stay of proceedings entered. No criminal record.
– Client arrested for shoplifting.
Issue: Whether client would be charged with offence of shoplifting.
Result: After receiving submissions from criminal defence lawyer Crown agrees not to charge client on condition that client complete alternative measures through community service. No criminal record.
Assault with Weapon
– Client charged with stabbing complainant.
Issue: Whether client would be eligible for a s. 810 “peace bond” no contact order rather than face criminal conviction.
Result: After receiving submissions of criminal defence lawyer Crown persuaded to drop charge on condition client enter into a peace bond. No criminal record.
– Client charged with importing opium into Canada after arrest at Vancouver International Airport. Client already facing serious drug charges in Ontario.
Issue: Crown seeking detention until trial.
Result: After hearing argument of criminal defence lawyer, Judge orders client released on bail.
– Client charged with shoplifting.
Issue: Whether client would be approved for alternative measures.
Result: Client referred to alternative measures by Crown after receiving submissions of criminal defence lawyer and charges dropped resulting in no criminal record.
Communicating with Prostitute
– Client charged with communicating with a prostitute.
Issue: Whether client would be eligible for diversion from criminal conviction.
Result: Crown agrees to alternative measures and community service.
Production of Marijuana
– Client charged with large scale production of marijuana at residence. Client facing significant jail time if convicted.
Issue: Would Crown be prepared to drop charge?
Result: Crown agrees to drop charges against Client. No criminal record or jail.
Assaulting Peace Officer
– Client, university professor, charged with assaulting peace officer. Given serious nature of matter (peace officer assaulted) Crown initially refuses request to divert matter out of the criminal justice system. Client retains Rishi Gill to review matter.
Issue: Would matter proceed?
Result: After further negotiation Crown agrees to drop charges and allow a non criminal disposition of community service and anger management course. Criminal record avoided.
Drunk Driving
– Client, real estate agent, charged with driving while impaired.
Issue: Would client receive criminal record?
Result: Crown agrees to accept plea to non criminal offence. Client does not receive criminal record
Importation of Narcotics
– Client charged with importing opium through Vancouver International Airport.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with Importation charge? Would client receive criminal record?
Result: Crown agrees to lower charge to simple possession. Crown seeks suspended sentence with criminal record. Client receives Conditional Discharge and no criminal record.
Assault Bodily Harm
– Clients, aunt and nephew, charged with assault of family member. Crown pursues charge of assault bodily harm.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charge?
Result: Crown drops charges against both Clients. No criminal record.
– Client charged with robbery of bank. Client previously convicted of similar offences and facing 7-9 years if found guilty.
Issue: Client acquitted by judge after trial and released from custody.
Refusal to Provide Breath Sample
– Client, business owner, charged with refusing to provide breath sample.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charge?
Result: Charge dropped by Crown Counsel.
– Client, food services industry manager, charged with assault of spouse.
Issue: Would client be found guilty of charge and face possible criminal record.
Result: On day of trial, Crown drops charge. No criminal record.
Breach of Bail Term
– Cient charged with being out past curfew in breach of bail condition. Client chooses to take matter to full trial.
Issue: Would Client be found guilty and receive possible criminal record?
Result: Client acquitted of charge after trial. No criminal record.
Assault Bodily Harm and Robbery
– Client, retail salesperson, charged with assault and robbery. Client allegedly attacked stranger after night out drinking with friends, causing injury to victim’s face. Client also charged with robbery for allegedly taking victim’s cell phone.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charges? If client pleads guilty to lesser offence would Client have criminal record?
Result: Crown agrees to drop robbery and serious assault charge. Client pleads guilty to simple assault and receives conditional discharge. No criminal record.
– Client, accountant, charged with assault of spouse.
Issue: Would Crown agree to drop charge in exchange for Client entering into Peace Bond?
Result: Crown agrees to drop charge. Client enters into Peace Bond and avoids criminal record.
Domestic Assault
– Client charged with assault of spouse.
Issue: Would Crown agree to drop charges?
Result: Client avoids further criminal proceedings. Crown drops charge of assault. Client not required to enter into peace bond.
Sexual Interference
– Client investigated by police for improper sexual communication/relationship with teenager. Client facing charges.
Issue: Would police forward charges to Crown?
Result: No charges forwarded. Criminal process avoided by Client.
– Client, Nurse, arrested for allegedly shoplifting at Whole Foods.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charge?
Result: Crown agrees not to proceed with any charges. No criminal record and no public record of criminal allegation.
Counselling to Commit Murder
– Client, owner of construction company, charged with counselling to commit murder of family murder. Client facing lengthy jail sentence if convicted.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charge?
Result: Crown agrees to drop charge. Client avoids jail and criminal record.
Counseling to commit murder; Bail
– Client charged with attempting to have family member murdered. Client initially denied bail by judge.
Issue: After hearing evidence at preliminary inquiry would judge allow release of client?
Result: Judge releases client on terms of bail.
– Client, marketing executive, charged with assaulting two bouncers at nightclub.
Issue: Would Crown proceed with charges?
Result: Crown agrees to drop all charges in exchange for anger management counselling and community work service. No peace bond required.