Case Defended: Driving Offences
Driving offences cover a wide range of charges, including some of the most common in the Canadian criminal justice system. This isn’t surprising — law enforcement officials across Canada have been stepping up efforts to apprehend impaired and reckless drivers. First-time offenders caught driving under the influence (or refusing to provide a Breathalyzer sample) are subject to a stiff fine, while repeat offenders can be prohibited from driving or sent to jail for up to five years.
Less common driving offences include fleeing from the scene of a crime or accident.
In 2010/2011, 84% of impaired driving offences resulted in a guilty outcome, which is much higher than the average for cases (64%). This may be because many people choose to plead guilty. However, with a good defence lawyer, you have options!
If you have questions about a driving-related charge, call Rishi Gill and Team at 604.899.1436. Your initial consultation with Rishi is no charge and includes a review of your case, possible defences and courses of action. When you call, you will speak to Rishi Gill directly (not a paralegal or assistant), so you can be assured that the counsel you receive will be timely and discrete.
What’s the law on driving offences in Canada?
Driving offences are prosecuted under sections 249 to 259 of the Canadian Criminal Code. They range from reckless/impaired driving to vehicular offences that cause death.
What happens if I get convicted of a driving offence?
First-time offenders caught driving impaired face a minimum $1000 fine. Repeat offenders face progressively harsher penalties.
Any driving offence that causes bodily harm or death is prosecuted as an indictable offence. This means that you could end up doing a life sentence in jail.
What should I do? Do I need a lawyer if I’m convicted of a driving offence?
Though many people charged with DUIs choose to plead guilty, you should know that there are many ways to fight the charge. Police and their instruments are not perfect, and many factors can cloud judgment or even invalidate results. To best understand your options, contact Rishi Gill and Team at 604.899.1436.